Media Relations Services | News Management | Social Media Development | Website Design
Major Incident Communications | Event Management | On-Site TCOLE Classes | Custom Services
Customized Special Services
For smaller law enforcement agencies we can act as your complete "PIO Office" on a part-time, contract basis, as well as providing a number of other custom special services. And, with the larger North Texas law enforcement agencies we can augment your on-staff PIO Office on a project or special assignment basis. ​
Custom Designed Publications, Documents and Forms for Law Enforcement Applications.
Photography, Video, Multi-Media, PowerPoint, Web-Based Tools for Recruiting and Training.
Reporter Interview Interaction Training for Patrol and CID Personnel.
Grant Application Management (Federal, State, Private).
TIMMS / Tactical Incident Management Mapping of Schools.
Research Services for Civil and Criminal Cases, Vehicle Crashes, Pre-Employment Screening.
Confidential Specialized Project Management and Research Services