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Special Events Development, Promotion and Management


We can create, promote and manage a wide range of special events designed to provide community interaction experiences between officers and citizens. From ideas development to working with community groups and booking venues for events, to branding, marketing and media coverage we can help your agency produce successful events. 


E X A M P L E S   O F   T Y P I C A L   E V E N T S


  • Speaking Opportunities for Chief/Command Staff - Identify venues, write content, presentation, media coverage.

  • Recruiting Marketing Programs - Design and produce marketing tools, exhibit booth, media coverage.

  • National Night Out - Coordinating with all agency personnel, promotion, media coverage.

  • Coffee with Cops - Location identification, pre-event media coverage, social media photos and stories.

  • Open House - Manage in house departmental set up, promotion, food, door prizes, media coverage

  • Citizens Police Academy / Citizens on Patrol (COPS) - Pre-class/post-class media coverage and marketing,

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